Get into Funebra
Posted by Peter M. Lugha | Filed under templates, internet
If fingerprint is a computer program(Math program) , then I believe that even the rest of the body and the entire univers are a single math program(computing programs). Also demostrated at Online magical math tool if changing z value to cos(point)*120+120 makes a circle which is rounding in a cirle motion can anyone make the formula of a triangle that is rounding in a circle motion? email me you find my email informations at website? ------------------------------------------------------------------- After a lot of work of research, by the end of the year 2017 I got more used to the equations and their outputs. I discovered for example to create a triangle rotating in a circle motion, z will then be equal to abs(cos(point))*120+120 And by taking away the +120 it will then be a triangle rotating on it self. And by increasing and decreasing the *120, you will then increase decrease the zoom of the object. At the moment I got the rounded rectangle equation, I then realized of the foundation of a new math concept and vision. The confirmation of Funebra Math existence.
Read more • Comments (3) | March 16, 2015
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